
Archives: International visits

Theme International visit

The Urkult Festival in Sweden

The Urkult Festival in Sweden is a festival for all people and culminates inspiration. It celebrates folk music and art with domestic and international artists. It attracts visitors from every corner of the world in its scenic amphitheatre. In 2017, Patachitra artists of Bengal had visited this festival and showcased their art form in several workshops too. read more

The Festival International de Folklore de Noyon

The Festival International de Folklore de Noyon which took place in France was held between 5 and 9 July, 2017.  Patachitra artists of Pingla represented India and set up a stall to exhibit and sell their products. read more


The artists have also been a part of ‘Baltica’ – which is the only folklore festival that highlights rich heritage values and focuses on historical forms of folklore. It is an annual festival held alternatively in the three Baltic republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – in Vilinius,Lithuania, between 4 and 10 July, 2017. read more

Grinell Collge, Iowa

In 2017, Patachitra witnessed a breakthrough as veteran artist Swarna Chitrakar was invited to the Grinell College in Iowa to speak about and demonstrate her art. She talked about her expertise and how Patachitra, which was a dying art form, has advanced with time and brought her to such a stature. read more

Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest

Patachitra artist Manimala Chitrakar had showcased her art at the Festival of Folk Art in Hungarian Heritage House in Budapest which took place in 15th and 16th August 2019. read more